MAX Light Rail System

Portland Oregon Tourist Information and Travel Guide

The rapid transit system in Portland Oregon is called the MAX Light Rail System. MAX is an acronym for Metropolitan Area Express.

Max is an at-grade level system that connects Portland city center with the suburbs.  This includes Beaverton, Clackamas, Gresham, Hillsboro and Milwaukie.

MAX Light Rail Transit System in Portland Oregon
MAX Light Rail System in Portland

Visitors can travel to the Portland International Airport using the MAX system. Travel time is under 40 minutes.

The light rail system is comprised of five lines: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, and Orange

  1. MAX Blue Line: Gresham/Hillsboro
  2. MAX Green Line: Clackamas, E/SE Portland, Portland City Center and Portland State University
  3. MAX Red Line: Portland International Airport, E/NE Portland, Portland City Center, Beaverton and Hillsboro
  4. MAX Yellow Line: Expo Center, N/NE Portland, Portland City Center and Portland State University
  5. MAX Orange Line: Oak Grove, Milwaukie, SE Portland, Portland State University and Portland City Center

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